Completed a property wide 3D-DCIP Induced Polarization ("IP") and ResistivitySurvey using Dias Geophysical Ltd. Conducted a property wide Ground Magnetic Survey totalling 105-line km of high-resolution magnetic data.
has begun a ground magnetic geophysical survey at its wholly owned Kemlee Lake lithium project (KLLP), located in the Thunder Bay mining division, northern Ontario.
In May 2022, Expert Geophysics completed an airborne magnetotelluric ("MT")/magnetic survey at Thor and ... The presence of up to 40% magnetite makes the dykes mappable using geophysical surveys.
... polarization, gravimetric and magnetotelluric geophysical surveys over select target areas; and results from 18 drill holes totalling 4,070 metres (12 reverse circulation and six diamond drill holes).
The EastExpansionZone will utilize additional geophysical surveys to refine targets within and around the Babine porphyry, with scout drilling planned to test these areas ... Geophysics.
All Phase 1b data will be combined with historical exploration and recent geophysical surveys to pinpoint high-priority drill targets for the upcoming Phase 2 program ... Detailed Surveys ... Geophysical Correlation.
SMAGF) (the "Company" or "Soma") is pleased to announce it has commissioned an airborne magnetic and radiometric geophysical survey over five key exploration projects along the Otu Fault... The survey ...
High-Precision Geophysical Surveys –�Deploying state-of-the-art magnetic and gravity surveys to map ultramafic rock formations rich in olivine and magnetite, enhancing target identification and exploration efficiency.
Channel sampling has revealed high-grade alkalic-type epithermal gold mineralization with 69.1 m at 2.4 g/t gold ("Au") including 26.0 m at 5.4 g/t Au ... Implementation of further induced polarisation geophysical surveys over the project area ... HANNF) ... Mr.
VivaGold Corp ...Round Mountain has produced over 15 million ounces of gold ... Highlights ... This hole was targeted based on a strong geophysical anomaly defined by Controlled Source AudioFrequency Magnetotellurics (CSAMT) survey ... ....
These projects have been advanced through compilation of historical data, new geological mapping, geochemical and geophysical surveys and, at Shasta, 13,250 m of modern HQ drill testing of the known ...